If you have any questions relating to Admissions at Wordsworth Primary & Nursery School please get in touch by emailing info@wordsworthprimary.co.uk.
Full details of all school admissions procedures and copy of the Local Authority's composite prospectus can be found at:
All admission polices can be viewed below and the information includes:
- details of the selection criteria
- details of the over subscription policy
- the school admission number (PAN)
- admission arrangements for disabled students. You may also like to look at our SEND offer.
In Year Transfers
Changing Schools
In-year applications are when you need to apply for a school place at any time in the year, that it is not part of the "normal admissions round", There are two main reasons for making an in-year application:
You might:
- be moving house
- be unhappy with your child's current school
Moving home part way through the year
If you are moving into Southampton (SO15-SO19) from another local authority or country part way through the academic year, you will need to complete an in- year transfer application.
Changing schools because you are unhappy with your child's current school
Changing schools is a big decision and should not be made lightly. If our child is having difficulties at their current school, discuss the reason you want to change schools with them and try to resolve the situation before making an application. Changing schools can be difficult for your child and rarely solves their difficulties. It is important to consider the emotional, social and academic consequences for your child. Also, in-year applications are not always available.
Please be aware that, unless there is a relevant safeguarding reason made known to us, we will contact your child's current school upon receipt of your in-year transfer application. Applications should be made online to the Local Authority Admissions Team at the following address:
Please click on the link below for the school Admission Policy and Appeal Timetable for 2024/2025
Hamwic Education Trust are now consulting on the admissions policy for 2026 – 2027. The consultation ends on Wednesday 29th January 2025. If you have any comments you would like to make about the policy, please send them to Claire Shaw, Education Access Officer, at claire.shaw@hamwic.org
Wordsworth Primary is proposing to add an additional oversubscription criteria (no 6: Children who are eligible for early years pupil premium who are in the school’s nursery class