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Class Blog

Friday 19th January 2018

What an excellent start to the Spring term!

We started off with an Independence Week during week 1, which focused on three key concepts: Independence, Resilience and Perseverance.  The children worked hard on their problem solving skills and have started to approach their work in a more mature and focused way. 

Throughout Week 2, the teachers have been amazed by the children's attitude to learning across the Year Group. The children are trying to access their work more independently, and are learning to problem solve themselves before asking for help. This has been a very positive start to the Spring term, and all of the Year 4 staff are very proud of the children for their attitude and effort.

Well done Year 4! 

In English this week, we have been learning about Gender Stereotyping, emotional differences and similarities between boys and girls, and the media's role in establishing stereotypes from an early age. We have all been fascinated by this topic, and have thoroughly enjoyed discussing our own views and opinions on the subject!

In Gymnastics this week, we learned how to use our knowledge of low, mid, high level balances, to create solo balances on climbing equipment. We will continue this skill over the next three weeks.


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